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We are facing an electoral panorama very uncertain and, in turn, numerous since there are several elections around the corner. To help voters get an idea about what the Spanish population thinks, surveys are carried out and graphic representations are formed from that. In order words, statistics are essential in the electoral process. For instance, this is the last survey that collect the voting intenention and what political party will be voted by Spanish citizens.
Statistics has been always present in the election period and to illustrate this reality, I would like to expose some significant data collected from the election results from the last decades. The average participation has been 73.79% since 1977, while the year 1982 was the year with the highest participation (79.97%) and on the contrary it was the year 2016 when fewer Spanish people went to vote at the the polls on election day (66.48%)

Moreover, the PSOE was the political party with more seats in a election and it was in 1982 with 202 seats. On the other hand, the PP was the political party with less seats in 2015 with 123 seats. As interesting facts, Candidatura Independiente de Centro only obtained one seat in 1977 and Unidos Podemos was the political party with more seats, 71, as first minority political party.

As we can observe, along the electoral history of Spain there have been different and significant data that have marked our history and we have to be conscious about our past mistakes if we do not want to fall with the same stone in the following electoral periods.
